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Personalised Coaching

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Health Coaching Programs

Ready to take charge of your health and well-being?

Personalised health coaching programs empower you to achieve your unique goals and create lasting change. They combine the science of behaviour change with a holistic approach to health, addressing your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Individualised Approach: I tailor programs to your needs, preferences, and lifestyle.

  • Evidence-Based Strategies: Health Coaching methods are grounded in scientific research on behaviour change and health promotion 

  • Holistic Focus: I address all aspects of your health, from nutrition and exercise to stress management and sleep, reducing toxicity. and mindset.

  • Sustainable Results: We focus on building healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

Benefits you may experience:

  • Weight loss and improved body composition

  • Better management of chronic conditions

  • Increased physical activity levels

  • Improved sleep quality and reduced stress

  • Enhanced energy levels and overall well-being

  • Improved healthcare knowledge and self-management skills

Uncover your spark:
Laser coaching

Are you stuck in a cycle of unhealthy behaviours or habits, or are you unclear on your path to true well-being? We'll delve into the connection between your identity and your habits & behaviours, using my proven Vivid Blueprint Methodology to uncover the root cause of what's holding you back.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Unmask Limiting Beliefs: We'll explore how your self-perception might influence your choices, habits & behaviours.

  • Vision & Purpose: Tap into your deepest desires and discover your "why."

  • Goal Setting with Impact: Craft clear, actionable goals that align with your unique identity and propel you forward.

  • Breakthrough Strategies: Learn powerful techniques to overcome self-sabotaging patterns and create lasting change.


You'll leave this session with renewed clarity, empowered to break free from limitations and move confidently towards a vibrant, healthy life. I'll bring my expertise, intuition, and the full force of the Vivid Blueprint Methodology to guide you on this transformative journey.

Businesswoman with Laptop

Unleash Your Strengths

This powerful 90-minute session leverages the science of CliftonStrengths to empower you. I'll delve into your unique strengths profile, helping you:

Discover Your Superpowers: Identify your most potent strengths that naturally contribute to well-being.

Strengths-Based Strategies: Leverage your strengths to overcome challenges and create sustainable behaviours & habits.

Blindspot Management: Understand your potential blind spots and develop strategies to navigate them effectively.


Stop wondering who to be and start living as your most empowered self.


By harnessing the power of your strengths, you'll unlock a new level of health, fulfilment, and success in all aspects of life. Bring your completed CliftonStrengths assessment and get ready to experience a health transformation fueled by your unique brilliance!

Emotional Decoding & Wellbeing with Essential Oils

This personalised consultation will help you understand the connection between your emotions, thoughts, and body and how essential oils can support you in processing and releasing emotions.


Here's what you'll gain:

  • Emotional Body Decoding: We'll explore how your body expresses emotions and identify any areas needing support, processing and release

  • Essential Oil Recommendations: Discover a personalised blend of essential oils tailored to your emotional needs.

  • Practical Protocols & Uses: Learn safe and effective ways to incorporate these essential oils into your daily routine for optimal benefit.


Schedule your personalized consultation today and embark on a transformative journey towards emotional harmony!

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